Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication People at my party gave alcohol to minors

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Hello. The question at hand took place in Hernando County, Florida, two days ago.

I'm in my twenties, I live at home with my parents. They recently purchased a new home... A few days ago they through a house party. The older crowd stayed inside while my brother, 25 and his friends were hanging out in the garage, "man cave."

My brother asked me to take his friend to the gas station for more beer. I obliged. When we got there he handed me the money, told me what he needed. During this conversation he told me he was nineteen (the other eight or so people in the garage are well over 21.)

In retrospect I shouldn't have bought the alcohol but since he doesn't drive and was spending the night I didn't think twice.

I bought two cases of beer and a pack of cigarettes as requested.

When we got home I put the two cases of beer and what was left of a bottle of vodka to the group for the garage party.

I spend the rest of the evening in my room... I do two random checks on them to make sure everyone's in one piece, not getting to drunk or rowdy. At this point a few more people have come over. Most of which I knew, they come over a few times a week to hang out with my brother, have a few beers and play video games. Though there were two new faces, two girls.

Come to find out the following day that the nineteen year old invited two girls who were not even eighteen.

I start freaking out about underage drinking, having bought some of the alcohol they would have been consuming.

A bunch of the people had spent the night, in particular the three that were under the legal drinking age. After a few hours of sleep, having sobered up they went on there way.

But I can't help but worry. Most of all i'm disappointed for putting myself in this situation. What if the underage drinkers hurt someone? Everyday the door bell rings i'm afraid it's going to be bad news... As far as I know everyone made it home a-okay. I even went as far to check arrests for the last few days. But i'm overly paranoid. These aren't my friends or people I know... So I have no way of getting in touch with them to make sure.. . I just have to go by what i'm told.

Roy (19) and the two girls who were under 18 were sobered before they left. But if they had hurt someone could I still get in trouble? Would I know by now?

I figured with a room full of adults and one 19 year old everything would be okay... Only to find out they invited over two girls who weren't even 18 and gave them alcohol.
Yes, it's possible that you can end up in trouble.

If you do, say nothing and get yourself an attorney immediately.
Yes, it's "possible". However, nothing may come of this but be sure there is no next time. If something does come up with this, you will need to get a lawyer & speak only to the lawyer.
What about the people that actually gave the alcohol to the minors? If something bad had happened would I know by now? Just sitting around, wondering, making me more nervous. I've never gotten so much as a speeding ticket in my life and now I read all these horror stories about underage accidents and the person who bought the alcohol going to prison.

When I bought the alcohol it was for a room full of adults and Roy, who;s 19. NO ONE else... Let alone minors.
For the sake of alcohol-related matters, he is under-age. Don't mess about with definitions; it won't help you at all.
What kind of trouble could I be in? If i'm reading the statue right a misdemeanor of the second degree? If an under-age driver who's drunk from alcohol you provided kills someone (extreme situation) could that charge go up to a felony?
What kind of trouble could I be in? If i'm reading the statue right a misdemeanor of the second degree? If an under-age driver who's drunk from alcohol you provided kills someone (extreme situation) could that charge go up to a felony?

How many times, and in how many different ways are you going to ask the SAME series of questions?

The answers won't change.

No one here can predict what any county or state persecutor will do.

As I said previously, just STOP CHATTERING about this.

There is no need to wonder about things that haven't happened.

The time to question whatever you or I do, is BEFORE we do it.

By the way, the last time you told this tortured tale, you said DUDE gave you $100, told you to buy him TWO CASES of BEER< a pack of Newports, and keep the change.

How much did you manage to retain, OP, $30, $40, maybe $50????

Anyway, same advice, say no more about this.

If the ploice come around asking questions, simply say, I politely decline to speak about this under the advice of my attorney.

If arrested, say nothing, admit nothing, plead not guilty, hire a lawyer (or ask the court to appoint a public defender), stay out of more trouble, wait, keep your mouth closed.
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