People leaving stuff at my house

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New Member
I know I am not the landlord but this is the best place to put this. I had some friends temporarily staying with me while they looked for a place to live. It was 3 months and they had not even started looking for a new place so i told them at the beginning of May they had to be out by the end of the month. Well 2 weeks went buy and they weren't looking for a place and they got drunk and had a fight with the cops involved and everything. So I told them the next day after they were sober that i had had enough and they had to get out that night. Well they left and they left all there stuff at my house. They called me up 1 week after they had gone and asked if I could hold it for a while until they got a storage unit. I said OK. 1 Month went by and I attempted to get a hold of them about there stuff. i have been trying ever since with them saying I will be there on such and such a date with no prevail. It is now August and MY landlord is on me about the stuff in the basement because i am looking for a new place to live. So I took everything of theirs to Good Will since it has been 4 months and they haven't even tried to pick it up. Now that they have learned I got rid of their stuff they want to sue me. Do they have a case? What are my right? Help Please!!!
It would be helpful to have your state listed.

Many states have a set time period after which it is assumed the original owner no longer wants the property. It can then be disposed of.

It would have been a good idea to send your friends something in writing stating that since you've held on to their property for X number of months if it is not picked by X date it is assumed that the property is no longer wanted and it will be disposed of.

Frankly, your buddies can shout all they want about suing you. They'd need to provide specific evidence in court about what you tossed and it's worth and it's doubtful they have any receipts on this property.

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