Performance Improvement Plan due to Age/race

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New Member
Just today I was put on a performance improvement Plan. Im a sales man working for 10 years in the company and in the reorganization last May 2009 with a new boss and new Director I was given a newterritory that generated low sales revenue and where there had been no sales people for the last 2years. I was also given a new service to sell that was different from the previous service I was selling successfully.In effect my sales performance was based on this territory which obviously came out to look terrible.

They reasoned that my sales performance was not acceptable for 2009 with disregard to any changes in territory or new service i was given to sell. I am over 50 and the oldest in the sales team. Average age in the sales team is around 35 to 37 years old. I am also the only one with a non american accent in this particular sales department.

I performed obver 100% of goal in my last position prior to the reorganization and recognized for my skill and experience in that field.

Do I have a case for age and or race discrimination here? is it worth it to consult a lawyer?
Here is the DOL website.
You can learn about the ADEA of 1967 and 1975.
You are in one of the protected classes (age), as you are over 40 years old.
There is no protected class for "non-American accents", however.

Can you bring a case? YES

Will you prevail? Doubtful, based on the facts you presented.

Is it worth it to speak to a lawyer? Always. The first consultation is usually free.
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