I'm not sure that's the standard, but I think if you plan for the biz to flop, do not do a 3 yr lease option.
Each contract is different, and depending on the experience of the leaser, there will be measures to ensure "something", that may have happened once, will not happen again.
I think it's normal to have a clause in the lease, stating the payment in full is expected, if certain circumstances are/are not met. This could be 2 payments behind, or general default on the payment schedule arranged at closing. ReaD what you sign, and remember, if in 3 yrs, you don't have 35k, or whatever the agreed payoff ammount will be, you (in some cases), start over. You would sign a new lease, for X yrs., and again, in X years, payoff is expected.
Some sellers will work with you, and upon renewal of contract in first 3 yrs., allow those payments made, to carry over.