Personal injury compensation guidance 4 filing case myself

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Maria Vaughan

New Member
Need guidance on how to file a lawsuit.That is not a small claims court but bigger without an attorney. I'm a stand up for me and not accept the $1700 from the insurance company. Was in physical therapy for months to help me.
Hit with live wire in a convenience store.
Doctor said The Wire damaged My nerves reason the pain has not stopped

Just looking for the guidance....So I can file in the proper court to get all my Justice and getting my Physical therapy team paid. It's a lot, but I'm willing to jump in that water. And swim through the seas. L, o, l, the physical therapy bills is a whole lot. More than $1700, so I'm supposed to just take that get out of here. Never go happen.
Also, in your prior thread, the matter happened nearly 3 years ago and you claimed to have already filed a lawsuit. Did you get electrocuted again? In any case, as you were told in your prior thread, this is not a referral site. Read the prior thread I linked to and use that information in your attorney search.
Need guidance on how to file a lawsuit.That is not a small claims court but bigger without an attorney.

You're not going to find anyone on a message board who will either hold your hand through the litigation process or attempt to provide some sort of step-by-step "how to" guide to litigation. You can, however, ask focused questions, and we may be able to provide useful information. Also, why do you want to do this without an attorney?

Hit with live wire in a convenience store.

Hit by whom/how? Please describe how the injury occurred.

Also, in your prior thread, the matter happened nearly 3 years ago and you claimed to have already filed a lawsuit.

Yeah...if this is the same incident, it's too late to sue. The Virginia statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years.
And if you can't find an attorney to take your case then you probably never will. If you in pro se then you more than likely won't be successful.
You're determined to pursue a lawsuit without accepting the $1,700 insurance offer, which is understandable given your injuries and therapy costs. You'll need to file in a civil or district court, not small claims. Start by preparing a complaint that details the incident, your injuries, and the damages you're seeking. Gather all your medical records and bills as evidence. Once filed, you'll need to serve the defendant and prepare to present your case in court. It's a challenging process, but with thorough preparation, you can stand up for yourself. Consider consulting an attorney for guidance if needed.
Didn't catch the whole 3+ years ago thing, huh?
After further reading...

The Nov. '23 thread was closed by AJ because there wasn't anything else we could do (Personal injury hit by live wire and a well known convenience store). The OP created this thread in March and never came back after I pointed out the original thread.
In the original thread, the OP said a case had been filed, but in this thread, the OP is asking how to file a case without an attorney.
After further reading...

The Nov. '23 thread was closed by AJ because there wasn't anything else we could do (Personal injury hit by live wire and a well known convenience store). The OP created this thread in March and never came back after I pointed out the original thread.
In the original thread, the OP said a case had been filed, but in this thread, the OP is asking how to file a case without an attorney.
Ahhh...So sorry. I was just checking dates and not content, so I missed all that.

Please continue on with your scolding of the spamming "attorney" that dug this up. ;)
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