personal injury

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Hi! I tripped over a door stop at a hospital. The nurses filled out an incident report but I didn't have xray's because I thought it was just a bruise. It just kept getting worse, until I found out I had torn my rotator cuff and bicep muscle and needed surgery. I was off work 3 months. I wrote the hospital and asked them if they would pay what my insurance didn't pay and pay for my time off of work. They said as a courtesy they would pay medical cost left from insurance but not my time off because the door stop was doing what it was intended for and they were not liable. There are overhead doorstops - they don't need one on the floor that people can trip over. Should I settle for the medical bill settlement or pursue a lawsuit to get my lost time pay. I really feel they should pay me for my days lost from work.
The doorstop was really nothing out of the ordinary....not to sound too harsh but, you should watch where you're walking.
If every person that walked into that hospital tripped, then you would have a case when claiming lost days at work, but since your lack of attention was what caused you to trip, you don't have much to make a case. Good Luck!
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