Pest Control Disclosures in California


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We recently completed escrow on a property. During escrow, we did general inspection, A/C inspection and termite inspection.

After we got the house, we discovered that the house has had significant roach infestation issues for 3+ years. We can still see some live insects in the house.

We hired an exterminator to spray inside and outside, before we move in.

Is the seller liable for not disclosing this during escrow ?
If so, what is our recourse ?
There is no required disclosure for pest control issues other than structural pest control issues (and that's only if the contract or lender requires it). If you wanted to know about other pest control issues, you needed to ask.
We recently completed escrow on a property. During escrow, we did general inspection, A/C inspection and termite inspection.

You attempted to due diligence, but as you discovered your efforts weren't comprehensive enough to reveal a roach infestation.

In the future, don't agree to ANYTHING unless you're 1000% satisfied with what you're planning to purchase.

A comprehensive pest and vermin inspection from a pest control company you trust would have revealed what you discovered after you closed the deal.

Sadly, you have no legal recourse now.

You do, however, have the ability to hire a pest control company to remove all unwanted insect, mammal, amphibian, reptilian, and all other unwanted intruders before you continue improving the property.

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