pet fees, non-refundable pet deposits - I need clairification

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New Member
I moved into an apartment at the end of Jan. of 2012 signing a 15-month lease. At that time I did not have a dog nor intend on getting a dog, so of course that section of lease agreement signing was quickly looked over and signed (leasing agent indicating **no pet(s)**). A few months later I acquired a dog provided the leasing office with their requested documents from the veterinarian and so on. On 04/04/12 I pay rent and take notice a $400 pet fee has been applied. Before paying I asked leasing center if there was a possible exception to the rule or a possibility of lowering the amount, I was informed that they would not be able to make any exceptions to the pet deposit. I will make a side note here by saying that although I provided them with the information required I never signed an amendment or acknowledgement regarding my newly acquired pet. So, because I was left with no other options and unable to pay rent online without having the $400 included, I paid. Now the 15-lease is up for renewal I have signed my intent to vacate. I called the assistant manager and inquired about the deposits made and pet deposit, he explained that it was a "non-refundable" pet deposit of $400. Confused/shocked by his response I clarified that although no damage has been made to the apartment by the animal I still won't receive reimbursement, he agreed. Making matters worse he agrees how ridiculous the "fee"/"deposit" is and apologized. I am seeking advice or actions I can take to dispute this matter. I don't know if not having signed an admendment is on my side or not but it was never explained to me that it would be non-refundable. I appreciate you all taking the time to read and offer your advice in advance, God Bless.

I can tell you it is not unusual to charge a nonrefundable pet fee (no matter how good a condition you leave the house). Sometimes pets can leave "invisible" damage (pet hair, urine....).
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