Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Petit larceny, chance of growing to grand larceny


New Member
New York
First off, I appreciate everyone's replies and will take them all very seriously.
I'm 19 years old and was hired at a big electronics chain, I did a great job and was always complimented on doing my job well, and within a short while everyone put their trust in me to do a good job and the right thing.

However, even though I was doing a great job I was still getting paid the same and as a young man my greed got the best of me, and did something I never thought of myself doing. I stole from my place of employment and thought I was completely save.
I was caught on my last day of employment with $170 worth of merchandise (have never been charged with anything else before) and realized right at that moment that I'm not as invincible as I thought and I am definitely not on the right path for myself.

My question is, what are the consequences that new evidence arises and takes my case to grand larceny? I definitely regret the action and glad that I woke up, but it doesn't change the fact that I did it. I more than want to pay back the company and return whatever items I can, but I know I must also face punishment for my actions, and I am ready to accept them, I just want to know what to expect if this case goes to grand larceny.

I'm from an immigrant family and we don't have much money, I do well in school and have a respectful demeanor.

I cannot afford an attorney at the moment and will be calling my local office for a court appointed public defender, however, before I started everything I would love to have as many opinions as possible for my situation.

Absolutely any comment, opinion and suggestion is appreciated! Thank you all so much
I don't know what this means - $170 is not a grand larceny.

Are you saying you have stolen other things worth alot more than $170?

sorry for the confusion, the current charge is petit larceny and my question was if further evidence is presented and the case escalates to grand larceny what will the situation become?
sorry for the confusion, the current charge is petit larceny and my question was if further evidence is presented and the case escalates to grand larceny what will the situation become?

You could be charged with a felony.
But, you could get sodomized by an oversexed gorilla.
My point is, don't frustrate yourself fretting over what could happen, mate.
Live in the moment, fix yourself, address your criminal charges.

Plead not guilty, ask the court if you qualify for a public defender, and don't discuss the charges, or admit to anything.

All criminal defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty by the prosecution.

As a defendant you're nt required to do or say anything, except to be present when court convenes.

Don't discuss race, religion, or ethnicity; as we're all supposed to be treated and tried equally.

Conceptualize it to believe it, to become it.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Its very clear that you took more than you were caught with and if this new evidence is found yes it could elevate your charge to felony status where you risk prison. You need to discuss this with your Attorney and not give away this info by posting it on public forums (like here) Until then talk to your Attorney about current charges and options like ACD or Diversion to keep conviction off your record. You mention you or your family being immigrants this could impact your stay here so again its important you talk to a lawyer
...if further evidence is presented and the case escalates to grand larceny what will the situation become?

Well, if you figured out what the possible consequences of a petit larceny conviction are, then you should have no trouble upping that to a grand larceny.

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