Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Petit Larceny Oklahoma--- FIrst offense... HELP!!!

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I was at Walmart yesterday and needed some medication, unfortunately, I did not have the money to buy it so I took it. Once I was out of the doors, they stopped me and took me into the security office. Once there they asked me to return the medication and officers came in and gave me a violation for petit larceny from a retailer in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I do not have money, which is why I took the pills in the first place. I cannot afford a lawyer, but I have sought out some free consultations and the lawyers have told me to plead no contest on my court hearing on April 16th and ask to speak to the prosecutor. Once I do, the attorney told me to explain my situation and my need for medication and tell them I am indigent (since I am a college student and do not have money) and then ask them for Deferred Judgment. The attorney told me I have a good shot at getting this plea granted without him present, but I am very scared. Three attorneys have told me that this is a good route to take, but that if it is denied, I will have to hire him. I am hoping that the plea will be accepted since I only have money for court fees. I am estimating them to be about $200.

1. Am I going in the right direction with my estimate for the court fees?
2. Do you think I stand a good chance at getting my plea accepted?
3. I have read about Diversion, what is it and is it offered in Oklahoma?
4. What would be the difference between Diversion and Deferred Judgment, since the attorneys never mentioned Diversion?
5. If granted this, will it be off my record?

Please help me asap... I am petrified and do not know what to do! I am so scared! I know it was a stupid mistake, but I was in need of the medication. Please help me...
1. Am I going in the right direction with my estimate for the court fees?
these fines vary but should be less than $500.00. Howver this does not include Civil Demand and any classes you may be asked to take
2. Do you think I stand a good chance at getting my plea accepted?
Probably but its up to DA not us
3. I have read about Diversion, what is it and is it offered in Oklahoma?
Its pretty much what the Attorneys already talked to you about
4. What would be the difference between Diversion and Deferred Judgment, since the attorneys never mentioned Diversion?
They are pretty much samething. However wording and programs vary by county so we cant say
5. If granted this, will it be off my record?
It should be yes, providing you meet the requirements for program
I called and spoke to the officer that gave me the citation and explained to her the whole situation. She seemed to be understanding of it and told me that unfortunately at that point there was nothing she could do. She told me to try to come in on Monday and speak to the prosecuting attorney at City Hall and try to explain to him the same situation and ask for a deferred judgment or some sort of agreement. I am so nervous and anxious. I'm scared out of my mind. Do you think that this is a good outcome of my conversation with her? Like I said, I do not have money for a lawyer, but the cop told me that they are usually pretty good at settling with first time offenders. Do you think I have a good shot at getting this settled as a deferred judgement? also, if I am granted deferred judgment, and I complete the time period successfully, it will not show up on my record right? Like, under what circumstances would one be able to see it?
I shoplifted once in Florida ($10) when I was 17 and just got banned from the store and they made me pay $200.00 fine and I never heard anything from it again. I am very nervous since I do not have money for an attorney. I was seeking to get Deferred Judgment on i. My big question is, can I still apply for Deferred Judgment as a First Time Offender even though I had that other incident when I was a minor? No police where involved that time.Please help me. I am so scared. I would have never stolen again if it wasn't because I really needed the medication for health reasons. I am scared to tell the judge I am a first time offender and then have them bring up the incident in Florida when I was a minor. Can they do that?!
It is never a wise idea to talk top the DA without an Attorney present. Where you could do as you want, you risk much since you do not know the law or your options. In my opinion your best option is to get as many free consultations as possible and when you go to court ask for Publice defender
How about my question about my previous incident when I was 17? Police were not involved and I was a minor. Will that still be counted as my first offense? Or can I ask the prosecutor to grant me diferred judgement on this case in oklahoma?
I have spoken to several lawyers. They are charging me about $500 and then he said to expect about another $500 worth of court fees. I do not have $1000. I have come up with about $650. Do you think that I should show up on my court date and explain my situation and ask for the deferred judgment without an attorney? I mean, in these cases, is it common for them to grant it to someone without an attorney? Because I don't have money. If they say no, can I then hire an attorney and get another court date?
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