petit larceny


New Member
Hi today i got caught steeling a total of 133$ it was diapers and wipes for my 2 kids.the police was called and i was given a ticket and i have court on the 26th of this month. The ticket says its for petit larceny im very nervous ive never had a ticket and this is the first thing on my record. Will i go to jail in court or what will happen? I have 2 babies i know it was wrong i was just desperate i needed the stuff and i wasnt thinking when i was doing it. Please help.......i dont have money for a lawyer what can i do?
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I am a retail theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. go to court plead not guilty and request public defender. When you meet this Lawyer ask about defense options and plea deals. Be sure to ask about ACD or Diversion as options to protect your record.

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