Petition of non payment and now harrasing me,tenant, Suffolk County

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New Member
I've lived here since Nov 1 2010 payed all rent until this Feb in which I only paid 400 of 1650. No lease, month to month, took me to court I on the 24th of the month and the judge ruled me to be out by the last day of month 28th, I asked for the folloewing month,30 days ,denied. He also has 1650 of security.The landlord now came to me yesterday the 26th and told me to be out Monday the 28th. i told him to follow the law and then threated me with, You know who i know i will phsically throw you out and while arguing with him he put his forearm at my throat and still treating me and when i asked him to hit me so i can take his home from him he spit in my face. I called the police to make a report but it more he said she said, no punches. Is there any appeal to give me more time from the judges I believe not realistic time to leave for non payment.
What can I do when my time runs out and this carazed landlord does something to me or has someone do harm to me or others thank you
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Your time is up- you best be on your way before you get put on the street. It sounds like the landlord will come with the law behind him tomorrow.

If the eviction papers indicate Feb 28 you are to be gone, you better start moving.
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