Petition to Renew Judgement

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I was served with a summons on February 24, 2009 for a Petition to Renew Judgement. This was a surprise to say the least. It appears that the Original Judgement was dated on April 13, 2001 for monies owed for a reposessed vehicle that I voluintarily returned when I was no longer able to make payments. I was never made aware of the original judgement for the amount of $2,561.98 as well as never receiving any coorespondance informing me of a judgement against me. The Petition to Renew is now for the amount of$4,154.49. I tried to reach a settlement for $1000.00 with the Attorneys for the Plantiff, as well as explain that this is the first time I have heard of myself even owing monies for the reposessed vehicle. They wiil not settle for less than $3500.00. I do not have this money to pay, as well as even trying to make payments for debt that I was never aware of in the first place. I would rather file bankruptcy to eliminate all futher legal action concerning this matter. My question is: Should I file for Bankruptcy? and How do I File for Bankruptcy?
You should consult with a bankruptcy lawyer.
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