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If my landlord has a dog and I have a dog and she tells me I have to get rid of it because my pitbull attacked and injured her dog is Tha double standard and do I have to get rid of my dog
I have no lease with her either
If you don't have a lease that covers this (notes you can have a dog...), I don't see why she can't require that you get rid of your dog.
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First, it's not a double standard. Second, even if it is, that's not illegal. Third, her house, her rules. If you don't have a lease that grants you the right to have a dog, then she gets to say whether you can have one or not. Just because she has one doesn't mean she has to allow you to have one.
"If my landlord has a dog and I have a dog and she tells me I have to get rid of it because my pitbull attacked and injured her dog is Tha double standard and do I have to get rid of my dog"

Is this a serious question? You have proven to have a dangerous dog that attacks other dogs and you're wondering why you don't get to keep the dog just because your landlord also has a dog (albeit an injured one now)?

"I have no lease with her either"

Then the landlords other option is to get rid of the both of you rather easily.


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