Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft petty shoplifting. first offense

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New Member
I am 18 and I was hoping to get some advice. about a month ago i was caught shoplifting merchandise that totaled $30 at a von maur in michigan. This is my first offense and I am trying to keep this from my parents. so i went to court today for my arraignment and plead guilty. they judge told me to make an appointment for an interview with the probation office and gave me a notcie to a pre-trial. I am so confused and I don't know what i should be doing. I feel like i made the wrong choice by pleading guilty and I am really regreting it. I am a college student and can't afford a lawyer. what kind of consequences should i expect and what should i be doing?
You did make the wrong choice and it is likely too late to fix it. What did Judge say about your sentence? Were words like Adjunction or Diversion used? The intials ACD? If not you will likely now have a criminal record which will haunt you for life. You can learn more at site in my singature line which deals soley with these type issues
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