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If I take a picture of our stadium ( outside ) with the Jaquar statue from the parking lot that anyone can go into, can I sell that picture if someone wanted to buy it?
If I take a picture of our stadium ( outside ) with the Jaquar statue from the parking lot that anyone can go into, can I sell that picture if someone wanted to buy it?

You can sell anything if you find a person desperate to buy whatever it is you're selling.

Now, the holder of the trademark or servicemark to the Jaguar may have other ideas, because they aren't getting some of your hot photo action.
You may have issues with the stadium and the jaguar statute - and I'm guessing you're talking about "Touchdown", the jaguar who sits outside of the stadium where the Jacksonville Jaguars play football. It's a good question and can't say for sure. My understanding is that simply because a piece of art is made available for viewing in public does not mean that the owner has abandoned rights in copyright or other intellectual property rights. And this issue may be determined on a case by case basis.

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