piad what was owed but know they want more

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New Member
i had been given a 5 day notice and on the 3rd day i paid the amount owed to the management and they said all was fine..... today they come to me and say i have to pay att. fees before they they except the rent payment... mind you they waited until the county clerks office was closed so i could not even bring the money there... so am i screwed due to not responding to the courts first....mind you i am only late for January and they have a entire month of security...help some one just moved to florida & the laws in new york city are alot different.........
A common myth is beleived that your security deposit will cover unpaid rent. that is wrong! Security deposit is for any damage or wear and tear that will or might occur during a Tenants stay. Any money left after repairs are done goes back to Tenant. You failed to pay rent that results in notices to pay or quit and late fees. I am unsure if you can be forced to pay Lawyer's fees since it did not go to court. Sounds like a place your better off leaving if you can. Contact your own Lawyer to see if these fees can be applied since there was no court court case
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