Piano playing

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New Member
Hello all,

The landlord is going to give us a notice of eviction because our child is playing piano. She studies music and plays 1-2 hours a day at reasonable hours, i.e. 4.30-6.30 pm, but some neighbors complained. There is indeed a paragraph in the contract regarding noise. We were asked to stop piano playing.

The only thing we can do about it would be to decide about some reasonable hours or schedule. We are willing to do this.

Is there anybody that can provide me with a sample letter to the landlord that would help solving this problem?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Marc R.
E-mail: mr1962ca@hotmail.com
Toronto, Canada
Try talking to the landlord and negotiate.........You can achieve it without a letter. If he is not willing after talking, then you can worry about a formal letter or turn down the volume or moving plans. Contact a piano technician to reduce the volume even if it is not electronic.
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