Place on Administrative Leave

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I'm a 10 year+ employee with the same company who has been placed on a paid administrative leave since Aug 18, 2014 and beginning to get anxious. The department in which I was in, had gone through a re-organization in that I was assigned to a new supervisor and new co-workers. Prior to re-assignment, my work has been stellar and I never received any incident report or place in any performance plan. New co-workers consisted of a newly hired personnel and a transfer person from another department that had downsized. During the time after transition into new management which equals to be over a year, I had been given mixed messages of job duties and directions. I continued to satisfy the requirements of customers yet I was not fulfilling the new department's directions even though I was given a waiver due to the current workload and duties. In brief, I was to continue to do my work as usual and eventually integrate into learning new skills and directions. Unfortunately, the integration was sporadic and inconsistent eventually ending me being placed on a Performance Plan followed by an Incident Report. The performance plan consisted that I complete selected tasks during a 30 day span, in which, I had completed as planned. During this time I was also subject to psychological testing in which I also successfully completed. After all tasks have been met, I met with immediate manager to learn about what's next only to learn from him that I have been place on paid administrative leave until upper manager and Human Resource decide if I should be terminated. After being told this, I immediately called the ethnics helpline offered by the company and shared with them my situation. Since then, I understand that an investigation is ongoing yet I have not received any assurance that I still have a job. In any event, I'm considering following through with legal counsel but concerned that the timing is not appropriate yet since I'm technically still employed. Question...Should I pursue legal counsel?
Nothing you have posted suggests that your suspension violates any laws. There does not appear to be any illegality about the suspension itself and they may legally place you on suspension indefinitely. I would agree with the above poster that your best option appears to be to file for unemployment and start looking for a new job.
There is no reason to pursue legal counsel. It's not illegal to put you on administrative leave & it seems you are being paid. If they stop paying you while on leave or you are terminated, you will want to apply for unemployment ins. & look for other employment.
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