Sentencing, Plea Bargains plea bargain

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If someone gets a plea bargain for 5 years prison time and 10 years probation, how many years will they actually serve in prison?
If someone gets a plea bargain for 5 years prison time and 10 years probation, how many years will they actually serve in prison?

Using your numbers, the person will serve at most; 10 years probation.
But, courts OFTEN release you from probation early, if you do well.

The person could serve (at most) five years in prison.
But, again, prison time could be reduced by parole or early release.
In many states, prisoners are released after serving 30-50% of their time.
The remaining time is USUALLY done on parole.

Simply put, you could serve anywhere from a year to the full term.
However, the full term is rare, if the person keeps his/her nose clean!
dasani57 said:
Oh Ok, thank you. Generally the person does not serve maximum time though, if I'm understanding this correctly?
You could say that.

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