PLEASE ADVISE! I need quick answers: Selling property we 1/2 own

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We inherited 1/2 of a three family house located in Queens NY from my mother in law. Our great and uncle live in the middle apartment and also own 1/2 of the house. We tried to keep the house for two years however we cannot afford the bills on that house as well as on our own. Their children would not buy our share so reluctantly, our aunt and uncle agreed to put the house on the market.

We put the house on the market in May for $869,000, since then we have gotten 2 offers for $800k and one for $820k, which our aunt and uncle refused to accept. The uncle has also sabotaged the sale of the house in many different ways. My first question is: Can you sue someone for deliberately sabotaging the sale of a house? We have several witnesses who could support our claim.

Their children recently agreed to help them buy out our share however it looks like we will not be able to come to an agreement. We did hire a lawyer to serve as a mediator. After several talks and negotiations the mediator feels they are not going to agree to our asking price of $400k and will not go a penny above $350. The aunt and uncle offered to put the house back on the market but won't take a penny less than $840k for it.

We are currently looking for our own lawyer so we can file a partition action (I think this is the correct term) and force the sale in court. I have a few questions on this:
Can I file this without an attorney?
Can I file this claim and then withdraw it down the road if I need to?
How much would all of this cost me?
1) Hire an experienced attorney. 2) Yes. 3) It depends on your negotiations with the attorney.
It is very hard since you will have to have solid proof that this was the case. Evidence such as testimony from the buyers and witnesses would help and your relative would also have to say why he did it. The combination of these would be great to make a case but I doubt it will happen.
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