Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Please give me some clarification for my future.


New Member
I am a 23 year old female with two retail theft convictions. One in Wisconsin, the recent being In South Carolina about 2 years ago. I have started to take action in turning my future around, going to college to pursue a teaching career. If teaching is impossible due to these crimes, I would pursue a different career if I had too. I really want to know if I can get anything sealed from my record, or if not how will this hold me back? Please help!!
I am a 23 year old female with two retail theft convictions. One in Wisconsin, the recent being In South Carolina about 2 years ago. I have started to take action in turning my future around, going to college to pursue a teaching career. If teaching is impossible due to these crimes, I would pursue a different career if I had too. I really want to know if I can get anything sealed from my record, or if not how will this hold me back? Please help!!

If a person applies to any government agency, that agency will see far more on his or her criminal convictions than would some private employers.
But, as a teacher, you'll be fingerprinted.
There's no way to escape anyone seeing what the fingerprints will reveal, because the FBI retains all arrest records for all 50 US states.
Even if your records were sealed in Wisconsin, a fingerprint search will reveal all arrests and convictions.
That said, only a full executive pardon from each state's governor could wash away the stain of any criminal conviction.

But, if your issues were petty shoplifting beefs, and you explain that the events occurred years ago, it most likely won't disqualify you from teaching.
School boards seek to protect children, so many sex related crimes, or crimes of violence might be more harmful than someone that once stole a lipstick at Sears, and a pair of socks at Walmart.

I suggest you get the degree first, stay out of additional trouble, graduate, get your teaching certificate, an simply tell the truth.
I wish you the best, and get that degree.
As a Retail Theft consultant I meet people like you all the time. These are very real concerns. Its unlikely you can hide this from potential employers. You can be honest and exp-lain how you made some poor choices in the past and have turned things around. You might also talk to an Attorney to see if one or more of these convictions can be expunged
The most important factor for you is the length of time between the last offense and the time you apply for the job. It is already two years behind you. It seems by the time you finish school it will likely be 5 years or more. If that is the case it likely won't hurt you so long as you are honest and disclose everything.
That depends also on whether theft is a disqualifying offense for a teacher in the state where you hope to receive your credential. It may play little to no part in the hiring or credential process. Though, even if not a disqualifying offense by law, a potential employer may decide that a criminal record for a crime of moral turpitude is sufficient to decline your employment.