Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication please help! charged twice for the same code?

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New Member
so I just had court yesterday and they charged me with 3 felonys. But i dont understand why they would charge me twice with the same code? they charged me twice under code 11379 which is transporting drugs.....but when they raded my home they didnt find any drugs on me! they also charged me with code 11377. Im still hiring a lawyer because the judge said i can get 2 to 4 years for each felony thats charged against me. But if they didnt find me under possession when they arrested me do they really still have a case? What should I do? Should I still hire an attorney and waste 5 grand or is it not even worth it?
First of all should absolutely consult/hire a lawyer to help you with this case. It is not a waste of money ...this is your life and potentially your freedom you are talking about.

Now as for you questions about why you were charged with 2 counts of transportation and whether or not they have a good case against ...unfortunately I cannot provide an accurate response without more information about your case...

that being said, if you would like to discuss this matter with me I would be happy to talk to you can send me a message or contact through my website at
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