Please help. Is this a case of wrongful termination?

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New Member
I was just fired from a job where I worked for two weeks. I was doing the job I was hired to do impeccably. The are 2 issues surrounding this. One is that the woman training me to be her replacement did a terrible job on many levels and was very threatened by my capabilities, even though it was simple stuff like creating Excel documents and proofreading letters to customers. The second issue is that the sales staff made derogatory comments about women, races/religions (of course only the races not represented in the room, except for me) and serious name calling of women who were "annoying." I was told by the owner, (who is a woman), that the reason that I was being let go was because I don't "fit" in with the sales staff. My work was impeccable in spite of the disgusting and hostile environment. Do I have some kind of a case here? I am hopping mad and would like to file some kind of claim, with whomever I can. Even if I can't prove any of it, I want it on file. I also wondered if there was somewhere to get free legal help in prosecuting, if it came to that. Also, what can I do on my own to file formal complaints? Thank you very much.
Be Thankful

I know how you feel. I am not a lawyer, so I am not giving any legal advice....irregardless of all that happened and all that was unfair...Be thankful that you "found out" early time to go get another job. It sounds as if you are not to blame but you will be all the more wiser after this experience to look into the employer a bit, before applying to another place of employmenet. I wish you the best.

Walk away with your head held high and maintain your own dignity...those people you left behind have already lost theirs...probably long ago,. Go find some place where they are more likely...have a better track record of treating people with dignity and respect. Thankfully, you did not already put in 24 years of exemplarary service like one reader did! Talk about hurt and rejection, devastation and disloyalty!!!! It is so sad---these stories.
Wow, thank you for a perfectly beautiful response....

Thank you for what is probably one of the best responses I could have heard. This is not to say that I won't continue researching what actions I can take regarding these people. In fact, the company has many customer complaints against it with the Better Business Bureau and is constantly dealing with legal threats. I don't think they expect a former employee to file a complaint. Although, I may actually find that there have been many of those as well. Yes, I am thankful to have found out so soon, but at the same time, I did give up my old job and some other offers to go work for them, and here I am, right before Christmas, unemployed and not sure if I can get anything else till January. That's a long time without income. (I think I haven't worked enough last year for unemployment) So, you can probably understand why I want to find out if what they did was illegal.

Again, thank you for your kind and thoughtful message. Have a blessed holiday and new year.
Did you report the derogatory comments? It makes a difference to the answer.

BTW, even if you do have a claim, the BBB is not the way to go. They are not a regulatory agency and have no authority over the employer.

Thanks for your reply. Yes I did report them. And yes I wondered about the BBB. Thanks for that info. What other agencies can I go to? Thx.
Its difficult to say if there is a discrimination case here. As far as free legal advice most state bars have limited attorneys doing Pro Bonno work. So check with the local bar assoc.
One is that the woman training me to be her replacement did a terrible job on many levels and was very threatened by my capabilities, even though it was simple stuff like creating Excel documents and proofreading letters to customers.

There is no case here. No law makes it illegal to do a poor job of training you or to be threatened by your abilities.

The second issue is that the sales staff made derogatory comments about women, races/religions (of course only the races not represented in the room, except for me) and serious name calling of women who were "annoying."

This MIGHT be sufficient for a claim with the EEOC. I can't give you any guarantee but it might be worth giving them a call.
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