please help me! he won't stop!!

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New Member
i was dating this guy, and my parents don't like him and told me they'd throw me out if i continued to see him. so we decided to sneak around anyways, well shortly after this i got in a small accident and he told me to just go and he'd handle the other ppl. i said okay and left. i left and later he told me there was more damage than i thought, but it was okay cuz he'd pay the bill for me and that'd be that. everything was good. then things started gettin bad. i didn't want to be with him anymore and i tried to break up with him and he said if i broke up with him then he was going to tell my parents and sue me and make me pay for the bill. i said, well we can break up and i'll pay u back for the bill outside of court. and he said i want u to stay with me or else i'm going to tell them and sue u. he said he'd already talked to lawyers, the accident happenend months ago and the last payment is next month. he keeps threating that if i don't do exactly what he wants he's going to tell them and sue me. it's even gone as far as him telling me if he wants sex, and if i ever want it to be over, i'd better do it. help me! what do i do? how do i make it stop? should i just do wat he wants so he'll stop? i feel trapped and i just want out. i'm only nineteen. he's thirty. he won't stop! i'm scared, really scared.
YOu need to go to your parents sweetie...they will understand I'm sure. You really need to get away from this guy otherwise it might end up worse. Good luck!
what do i do?
Tell your parents the truth

how do i make it stop?
By not seeing him anymore. Let him sue. Take ownership of what you did to the car and dont' be afraid of anyone threatening you.

Good luck to you!
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