Security Deposit Please Help me to get my security deposit

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New Member
I am in a big trouble and need legal assistance. I am not sure where to go for help and how to start. This problem started just after moving in to an new apartment in a new city through a craigslist post. This was a two bed room apartment and that guy subleased one room to me. He was not the landlord, he was himself a tenant. Before moving in, I didn't know that he is not the landlord. I gave him the security deposit of one month and confirmed the room in my name before 15 days of my move in. When i moved in, i signed the lease and gave him the first month's rent. There were few things mentioned in the lease:
i) the lease is for minimum 4 months
ii) a 30 day notice must be given from the 1st of month when leaving
iii) Room will be clean to show it
iv) no sleep overs
v) please be considerate in bathroom, clean when finished and leave it available for others
vi) security is returned after tenant vacates room and all bills come.

This were all the terms and conditions in my lease. I was okay with all of these and I signed it. Started living there. After few days, I went to the kitchen and started cooking something quick. He wasn't at home at that point. When he came back in the apt, he started shouting at me. He behaved very mean and made me understand he doesnt like me using the kitchen. After this whenever I used the kitchen once/twice in a week, he used to make issues and shout at me. He said He sees me using the kitchen 6 days a week, where as the truth is I am a very busy working person, I only used the kitchen once/twice in a week. So, I was very tired and irritated of this issue. In my lease it never mentioned I can't use the kitchen. Rather When i came to talk to him before renting this apt, I asked him if i can use the kitchen and cook, He said YES. But after moving in He changed his attitude and words toward me. I was humiliated and insulted all time. I was unable to stay with this person anymore. So, i decided to move out and i gave him a 30 day notice after the first month of my stay and paid the rent for second month. I stopped using the kitchen for the second month after i gave him 30 days notice of vacating the apt. I wanted to make sure i do everything legally and get back my security deposit of one months rent. After I gave him one months rent and 30 days notice of vacating the apt, he posted in craigslist and started showing the apt. He started behaving even more mean after getting the notice. He intentionally changed the lock of the laundry room( I had the key),He was stopping me from using the laundry room indirectly. I asked him about it and he said the washer is not working and he doesn't have the money to fix it. I knew this is a lie and there is no reason to change the lock of the laundry room if the washer was not working. I could just go there and check it myself! So, i was deprived from using the kitchen and laundry and repeatedly i was ill-treated for various issues. I was verbally abused and humiliated several times.

I left the apt on the 20th of the month even though i paid the rent for whole month. i was ready to pay the electric bill for that month. i asked for my security deposit and he denied to return it saying that he i broke the lease and did not stay there for 4 months. so he will not return my security deposit.

I left everything clean in that room, I cleaned everything and checked out. I did everything properly and legally. But I was unable to tolerate his torture staying there. I had no option other than leaving the apt.

please help me to get my security deposit back. I can't let this person enjoy my hard earned money after torturing me like this for two months.

Thank you for your help.
You have to help yourself.
If a remedy exists, seek it in small claims court.
Don't get too excited, it's a long shot.

Stop looking for ANYTHING, especially rentals on Craig's List.
Be smart, rent your own apartment.
You're an adult, you've left mommy and daddy, and you're still living in a bedroom under some other adult's roof.
Think, that's not freedom, nor is it adulthood.
Get your own apartment.
Be the master of your own castle, not the slave in a stranger's castle.
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