Please help.

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New Member
Okay, so i am hoping someone is able to offer me some advice here! My boyfriend and his ex split up, she moved about 9 hours North with the child. She does not allow my boyfriend to see his child. Her reasoning is because he is abusive. But I think it is because she is greedy. She has lied about plenty before, so why wouldn't she lie about being abused? So first question, is she legally allowed to take the child from where he was born and where his family is? Second, her mother and her have decided to sue him for an amount for rent, and a car accident (which by the way the car was paid out prior to their relationship even ending). They have put a restraining order against my boyfriend, and for no reason, he never travels anywhere near her, as he has no reason. She will not allow him to see the child, and will threathen to call police, and say hes abusing her. Its happend before! She is litterly crazy. what sort of advice can i give him? Also she wants him to pay child support, but wont let him see the kid - can she even do that without reasoning?:(
You are in Canada so your laws and courts may be a bit different... but typically the solutions he would be seeking are at the Family Court. If there is no custody/visitation order then he needs to get one. If she is refusing him access to the child then police would likely need a court order to be able to help him. If she is accusing him of abuse then he is best to keep his distance from her, or to at least have a second person with him any time he has contact with her. If they are attempting to get a restraining order then it is in his best interest to show up to court and defend himself to explain why a restraining order is not needed.
Child support has absolutely nothing to do with visitation rights.
There is likely some sort of free legal counseling available for these matters. This is common stuff. Go to the court for help.
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