Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Please help

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New Member
My question involves criminal law for the state of: Illinois.

I was caught shoplifting today, the amount of items totaled $47.50. The LP guy called the police who came and just gave me a ticket to appear in court. There were three police officers and the woman officer told me if I go to court and tell them I already paid restitution then the judge will dismiss it. Is this true?

I am so scared, I don't have a penny for a lawyer, I am so behind in bills. I am in school to become a teacher and if this stays on my record it will be so hard to find a job. I am 28 years old and yes, very stupid. Any advice what I should do? Thanks so much for your advice.

Oh, as I was leaving the police officer said, "you should be thankful for your brake & that they ususally aren't so lienient" what did he mean by that? afterall, I still have a courtdate.
Police Officers enforce the law they do not practice it! If you want this off your record talkto an Attorney (Public or Private) about Diversion as possible option. I also would suggest you enroll in an Anti Shoplifting course before court. This will show Judge remorse and action on your part. This should be looked at kindly by Judge. We have contact info for the Director of such a program. Send me a PM if interested and I will give you the email to Director
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