Please help!


New Member
Me and my fiancé are paying his ex girlfriend child support for his 7 year old son. She lives in PA and we live in Maryland where she filed for the child support. In the child support amount she recieves there is money for travel however she is refusing to travel at all, we even went as far as telling her we would meet her half way. Is there anything we can do to make her travel since we are in fact paying for it. I am also 14 weeks pregnant and high risk and am not supposed to be traveling but since she changes the arrangements for picking him up every time we are supposed to get him we have to make a 10 hour round trip drive after my fiancé has been working all day to accommodate her so I have to drive with him to keep him awake. We also just found out that she has been working two jobs the whole time and told the courts she had no job at all. What can we do to fix the situation
Nope. We can do nothing. How nice of you to help your boyfriend pay his CS obligations.

Since you are not a party to your boyfriend's custody/visitation/CS order, your only way of helping him is to pay for an attorney to help him with his legal problems.
There is no "we". You do not figure into the equation at all legally so claiming it is difficult for you to ride along to pick up the child has no bearing. Dad is the one the court will look at and they really don't care if you are seated next to him or if he plays music, drinks coffee, talks on a hands-free phone, or anything else to stay awake.

What does the actual order say with regard to pick up and drop off? That is usually detailed in the support order. Travel expenses are not one of the factors MD considers when setting support, though the parties may voluntarily agree to just about anything.
Any complaints with the court order of drop off/pick up not being followed or any changes to the court order will have to go through the court.

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