Please need advice

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I have been accused of being high on cocaine at work , im a bartender that works in a casino. I was approached by one of my managers and taken aside, and she said that i admitted being high to another waitress and 3 other said i was high. She said she evaulated me and i was high, i was sent home. I went straight to the hospital and got drug test and blood test done came back negative. I took the results back to work and showed the GM and went back to work. The manager who accused me was told to keep away from me and came up and tried to appolgize in front of a bunch of my co-workers. They said it would be dealt with but still nothing has happened. I wana quit my job cause its really embarassing and feels so uncomfortable being at work. i have a brain tumor so this is soo much stress and dont know what do to. I have called labour standards and human resources and they were no help. please help me.
You should speak with an attorney in your town.

You have an excellent lawsuit brewing.

Speak to an attorney as soon as you can.

God bless, and I hope you get better soon.
I agree with both Patricia and Army. I won't give you legal advice in Canada but I would not even slow down between where you are an a good employment attorney. You likely have a case.
You don't need it. We are telling you that you likely have a case, what you need to do is find an attorney who will take it on contingency. At least you can get a free consult.
I don't get it... if the manager has reason to believe that an employee is high, which would certainly be a violation of the terms of employment, why would it be wrong to send that employee home?
What are the damages? A few hours pay?
I don't get it... if the manager has reason to believe that an employee is high, which would certainly be a violation of the terms of employment, why would it be wrong to send that employee home?
What are the damages? A few hours pay?

The manager allegedly made a scene and accused the OP of being on cocaine.

This was done in the presence of OP's co-workers and casino patrons.

The OP was tested and tested negative for all drugs.

The OP is suffering from brain cancer.

The effects of his illness/disease made his movements suspect, but that is what brain cancer does.

The fact that he was falsely accused of being on drugs in public rises to the level of slander.

In fact, as it was done on his job, it most likely is defamation of character.

This tort is very hard to prove, except this guys has a casino full of patrons and customers.

If he sues the supervisor and the casino, he's going to reciver a huge award.

Furthermore, the person is ill.
Brain cancer is no joke.
I certain that this callous behavior will have a deleterious effect on OP's health.

The OP has suffered greatly.

Almost makes me want to file a pro hac vice and take the case myself.

Think of it this way, Moose, you stop a person for drunk driving.

They tell you they are a diabetic and going into a diabetic shock.

It would produce similar erratic driving, but the person wouldn't be drunk.

Yet, you cuff them and refuse them medical care.

You're smarter than that, but see my point?
The OP says that the manager took him aside after other employees made comments about him using cocaine. He then says the manager made an apology, not an accusation, in front of others.
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