My husband had a falling out with our next door neighbor about 10 years ago. The reason for that was they were having a campout in our back woods with the kids and some of the adults started drinking. My husband and this next door neighbor's wife were not drinking, but instead were in their tents with the younger children sleeping. By midnight, it started to get a little loud and my husband came out of his tent and asked everyone to please be quiet. My next door neighbor (because he had been drinking) for no reason at all attacked my husband and it took two other adults to pull him off. My husband then told everyone to go home that the party was over. The next day, this next door neighbor came over and apologized profusely about his actions. My only reply to him was that "a kid's campout was not the place for adults to be drinking". Since then, my husband does not want to have anything to do with him. Well now, this next door neighbor is constantly flipping my husband "the bird", yelling at him if my husband is out in our yard doing yard work, etc.....once my husband was pulling in our driveway with his motorcyle and almost got rearended by a car and this jerk was fixing his roof, noticed what happened and started clapping, saying Yeah, good job too bad you didn't get killed. He stands out in his back yard when we are outside and just stares at us if we are outside. Once I was getting in my car and he just stood there glarring at me and then started to whistle. Made me very, very uncomfortable. We just ignore it all and never do anything back to him. I have talked to his wife and she doesn't believe that he gives us the finger everytime he goes by out house in his car if we are out in our yard. Once my sister was visiting and she was standing at a window and saw him flip the bird as he drove by....she was shocked that any grown muture, father/husband would do such a childish thing. My husband is very upset over this because all we want is to be left alone and go on about our lives. The other day my husband was in our car waiting for traffic to go by to exit out to the street and this neighbor drove by, slowed down when he had to turn into his yard leaned over to the passengers side of his car as he was slowly driving by with is arm outsretched again, giving the finger to my husband. My husband continues to ignore him. This goes on constantly and it's very emotionally upsetting. What can we do to stop this? I live in Massachusetts. Can the Police help us, Can we get a restraining order......??? Is harassment such as this grounds for a restraining order....HELP!!!!!