Please tell me what to do !

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New Member
In January of this year , I had to move to a new city to study at a university. I am now living in a house with 8 other international students in my own room but share kitchen and other facilities. I have been living in this place for the last 5 months and things have developed to the point that I am now scared for my life.

My first contact with the landloard was on the phone and she seemed nice and also informed me at the time that she is an old person and would pay money for work around the house. I mentioned to her at the time that I was going to be a full time student but would try to help her if I had the time. In general I was happy with the rent and the closeness to school. My first month was okay, the place looks very crowded with a lot of stuff the land loard owns. I live upstairs and is much better than the basement in terms of cleanness etc. Around the second month I started getting sick with headaches and frequent cold. Because it was winter time I was assuming that the weather might have caused me my illnesses. As time goes by I started noticing mice in the house. And observed that the landlord verbally abusing the tenants who are international students ( from china ) and forcing them to work for her. Last week I learned from a former tenant who used to live in my room that the whole roof of the house is covered by mould and that there is an active mould on the ceiling of my room. At the time I moved in I asked the landlord about a cupboard on my ceiling and was told it was nothing. I know learned that what is under the cupboard is a mould that came through the roof to my room and is covered and painted. I just want to ask what i could do about the landlord , other than the health risk of living here, there is an issue of abuse on tenants . Just the other day the landlord threw a knife on one of the tenants for refusing to work for her .
If you are not happy there your simplest option is to move out and find a healthier living environment. The change you are wanting to take place is not going to happen overnight, or very easily, if ever.
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