PlZ help me learn what I can do to get my brother back that was taken illegally byDCS

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Hello my name is Samantha. To anyone who is willing to help me I thank you so much for your gratitude and helping me out. Well when I was 12 years old, about 8 years ago, my 2 siblings, Elisabeth, Dillon & I were removed from our homes. Our grandma has had legal guardianship of all us since we have been born. I was staying with my mom at the time, because I had mono and we didn't want the other children to get it. On March 18 a officer had came to my mom's house with no papers, no social worker, nothing and said that he would like to take me down to the station and ask me a few questions. Well I ended up leaving with him and we did not go to any station. He parked approximately 4 blocks away from my mother's trailer at a stop sign and we waited for a woman * a social worker* named Linda Gray to pick me up. Linda then took me to my first foster home, where I was later then united with my siblings. They wouldn't tell me much, except that they were taking me to a foster home. As I have heard when removing a child a social worker has to be present with an officer and removal papers, right? Also there is more that I am needing help with. We didn't stay long at the first home, " because we were to close to our grandparents house". They moved us about a half hour away, into a new town where we knew no one. I stayed there until my father, came and removed me.. Which isn't important because I ended up putting myself back into the system. Well from that time Elisabeth had went with her father's son's mother (Mandee), who later then adopted her. That time I was in custody of my father & I was staying with my grandma for my birthday month, which she ended up passing away a week before I had turned 14, so I can't ask her any of the information that I need to this day to try and get my brother back. Well the day before my grandma passed, we had visited Elisabeth( before she was adopted). Then Mandee had told us that she was trying to get Dillon.. So my grandpa and grandma bought her a bed for him. About a week after my grandma passed. Mandee, Elisabeth, My grandpa and I had met up with Dillon and his foster parents at this park. & they said they would not like to give up my brother because they simply have fallin' in love with him. & that they would love to adopt him. My mom had never EVER SIGNED ANY RIGHTS OVER!! SHE NOR MY GRANDPARENTS WERE NEVER PRESENTED WITH ANY LETTER OF ANY RIGHTS BEING TOOK WHAT SO EVER.. Now that she knows that we were tookin illegally and she can provide for him can we get my brother back?? I really miss him I have not got to see him in 5 years!!!! They never answer my birthdays calls for him or christmas thanksgiving NOTHING!!!!!!!! IT IS WRONG!! I'M HIS BLOOD WHAT CAN I DO?!?!? Please help me I am begging you please!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your problem. What is the reason why you were removed from your prior home? Do you have any idea if there was paperwork?

I'm not going to pass judgment without more. I have heard of terrifying cases where children were removed from homes without cause - however they almost always had some paperwork, even if it was a sham.
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