Believing my aunt was a loving family business woman who would better care for my Dads monetary interests by dividing this among his 5 children (I'm the oldest) and his 12 grandchildren, I asked my dad before he died in 2006 to change me from sole beneficiary to my aunt as partial beneficiary. Well my aunt celebrated when she saw my name crossed out and remodeled her home etc and gave his children nothing. But my name was still in the bank papers as beneficiary and I received money from there. She wanted that too and had NYCERS take $900 back for overpayment from me. I am my grandmothers beneficiary who died 2012! My aunt is her power of attorney and barely spoke to me at her funeral and I haven't heard anything about my inheritance written years before my grandmother died from dementia and Alzheimer's what can be done to override my aunts greed and hording money in 3 banks when this economy dictates my siblings and I need help now?