Animal Injury, Dog Bite Police dog attacked cat

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A neighbor's dog, who happens to be a police K9, attacked my cat. Started in the street, ended up in my front yard. There was no leash and the dog wouldn't respond to the officer's commands. It took maybe three minutes for the officer to constrain his dog. After he did, he said sorry, and went home.

Later, he approached my wife, there was an exchange, my wife is upset that his dog attacked, he is upset that our cat was not on a leash or in the house. Our CC&R's states that cats must be contained. But I don't think that's an excuse for the attack.

I don't want to sue or make an issue. Just want a defense should he continue to be aggressive.

If he threatens to complain to the HOA, what do I say? (Yessir?)
This is not legal Advice!

Sorry, to here your cat was attacked, hope all is well.
It was probably quite embarrassing for the police handler as well that his beloved partner did not respond to his commands.

As you quote: Our CC&R's states that cats must be contained.

I would personally let bygones be bygones and settle your differences in a amicable manor, yes your pet should have been contained but his pet did also trespass on your land and finish his attack on your front porch.

Funny situation with pets but the end of the day we still have to try and live with our neighbours and we never know when we may need them for help. I would book it down to experience and start a fresh. Time is a great healer.

Good luck and take care.

This is not legal Advice!

Sorry, to here your cat was attacked, hope all is well.
It was probably quite embarrassing for the police handler as well that his beloved partner did not respond to his commands.

As you quote: Our CC&R's states that cats must be contained.

I would personally let bygones be bygones and settle your differences in a amicable manor, yes your pet should have been contained but his pet did also trespass on your land and finish his attack on your front porch.

Funny situation with pets but the end of the day we still have to try and live with our neighbours and we never know when we may need them for help. I would book it down to experience and start a fresh. Time is a great healer.

Good luck and take care.

Did your cat require veterarian services? The dog handler may be responsible for half of the vet bills if you did. You both were at fault and responsibilty should be split. half and half. I believe most cities have a leach law/ordinance for dogs.You may want to report the incident to the dog handler's boss as he should be able to control his dog; however, that could cause more problems for you with the neighbor so think carefully before you act.
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It's raining cats and dogs where i am today!
Can an 11-year-old walk a dog?

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Can an 11-year-old walk a dog? Is there a youngest age restriction to walk a dog? While I was upset how mean the neighbors were yelling at an 11-year-old who fell:nuts , but there does not seem to be anything I can do, does it?
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