police employee discrimination

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I have been diagnosed with a mild form of epilepsy which is controlled with medication. I have been required to turn in my firearm, refrain from driving and placed on forced sick leave. I have made it known that I would work in any capacity or any function with or without driving or firearm. I do not want to be on sick leave but I am being forced to use sick time from my sick leave reserves. I am 4 years away from retirement and this request is for a 4 year period. Thanks.
Rough break what did the doctors say? What state is this? Is there a Union?
Massachusetts/Drs. say it's a legal decision not a medical one, union says it's not job related and refuse to help
I mean the doctors prognosis on recovery not his opinion on what the dept. will do. I am at a disadvantage since police work is different than most jobs.
I have been diagnosed with a mild form of epilepsy which is controlled with medication. I have been required to turn in my firearm, refrain from driving and placed on forced sick leave. I have made it known that I would work in any capacity or any function with or without driving or firearm. I do not want to be on sick leave but I am being forced to use sick time from my sick leave reserves. I am 4 years away from retirement and this request is for a 4 year period. Thanks.
It may be worth consulting an attorney as to your options. However, there may not be any.

The ADA requires the employer make reasonable accommodations, but, as a peace officer, if you are medically unfit and unable to perform the requirements of the job, there is little that can likely be done in that avenue.

I have had friends diagnosed with cancer while on the job and have grown too ill to work. While they were unable to drive or qualify with their weapon, they were still kept on by the city. This, howver, was the employer's decision and not based upon a legal necessity.

MA state law may have some avenue for you to at least be allowed to fill a lesser position if one is open ... perhaps a dispatcher or records clerk should such a position be available.

Good luck!

- Carl
I think you need an attorney that practices labor law for police officers, it sounds like niche type attorney question.
Nicholas I just contacted an attorney in your state that I know he does not handle police work but he can plug you in to some good people. So just drop the guy an E-Mail
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