police report

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New Member
I recently got into trouble, where they arrested four kids and me for possession. Here is the thing they where out in my driveway when they got arrested i was in bed and didnt know who they where and why they were in my driveway. The cops found two pipes and a bag of pot, one of the kids took blame for one pipe and all of the weed. The cops when i walked outside to see what was going on, where crawling under my garage door, and when i asked what he was doing i got handcuffed and thrown to the ground. The cop that crawled under the garage door opened it then all but one cop went inside with tasers drawn and woke up my three roommates. They told us that if we didnt confess to the pipe being our that they where going to put warrants out for all of my roommates including me. So i stepped up and took blame for it even though it was not mine. I went to pick up a police report and everthing in it is a lie. I want to know if i can fight this if i got everyone to geather that was there and have them testify or should i just take the punishment and be done with it. Dont know if this would help they screached my whole house tore it from bottom to top and didnt find any pot, pills, or anything illegeal.
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