police tracking

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New Member
Are the police allowed to use gps tracking on your vehicle and report your where abouts the the public, who in turn follow and harass and intimidate you?
No hits. There has to be someone that can offer feedback. I fear for my life.

I have had as many as 20 civilian cars pass me in a funeral procession (all having their headlights on), each person in each car is staring at me, some making furtive gestures. All are holding cell phones to their ears, but not talking on them.

I have never been charged or questioned in any crime or arrested for anything.
Uh ... if you are serious, you need to get some help of the mental health variety.

The police are not tracking you and calling random people having them follow or stare at you. It ain't happening.

- Carl
Thank you for the response.
I truly wish this was the case, more than you could possibly understand. I'd much rather be crazy than having to deal with this on a daily basis. At least medication would bring reprieve. I can assure you however, it is very much true and real. The people involved have gone out of there way to make sure I am not imagining any of this.
If its sounds too unrealistic to be believed, then can someone entertain me on the hypothetical?
I am sure that you believe this is happening, but logistically it would be impossible. Do you REALLY think that they have the manpower and the time to get on the phone and call people to drive past and stare at you? It just ain't happening.

From a legal standpoint, the police would generally need a court order to attached a GPS device. Then, of course, obtaining all the random cell phone numbers of citizens anywhere near you would be a similar logistical impossibility. Would they be able to call and tell people where you are? Probably. But ... why?

What you are hypothesizing is very expensive, logistically not feasible, and makes absolutely no sense.

- Carl
Why do you suspect the police are involved, or that you are being GPS tracked? Perhaps more plausible, but still wildly unrealistic, is that all these people staring and listening to their cell phones merely want you to THINK there is some conspiracy afoot. It could just be a concerted effort to make you uncomfortable.
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