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I will soon be applying to the dept. of corrections as a corrections officer. I have been told that I am required to take a polygraph, however; I have very strong religous feelings about the accuracy, admissabillity and over all morality of the polygraph. What can I do???
I strongly feel that it is only God that can make a man tell the truth, and it is up to that man to do so without being pushed. I suppose I am talking about faith between the institution and the person.
Well your decision is wether to compromise your beliefs in order to take the job or walk away. I doubt they will grant you some sort of exception based upon what you have stated. I do not see any legal issue in their request.
I answered this on another thread. You have no grounds whatsoever to refuse the polygraph. If you refuse to take it, then do not bother applying for any type of law enforcement job because it will be required.
knightoflight said:
I will soon be applying to the dept. of corrections as a corrections officer. I have been told that I am required to take a polygraph, however; I have very strong religous feelings about the accuracy, admissabillity and over all morality of the polygraph. What can I do???
I strongly feel that it is only God that can make a man tell the truth, and it is up to that man to do so without being pushed. I suppose I am talking about faith between the institution and the person.
Some people feel that only G-d can truly punish a person too. That doesn't mean that one should be immune from the laws and consequences enacted in this country. I also fail to see the connection between religion and a polygraph test. If you doubt the accuracy of such, then you can always bring it up if need be later but there is also no reason that you should be nervous.
No one is forcing you to tell the truth. This test is only a physical respoce to questions posed. If you try to hide ANYTHING you can have and most people do have certain perdicatable responses that you can not control. So, take the test and tell the truth. What do you have to lose? You have a very tough job to gain.
CJW said:
No one is forcing you to tell the truth. This test is only a physical respoce to questions posed. If you try to hide ANYTHING you can have and most people do have certain perdicatable responses that you can not control. So, take the test and tell the truth. What do you have to lose? You have a very tough job to gain.
Understandable. Unfortunately it only measures physical responses, which might mean a lie or perhaps someone is hypersensitive and they provide responses that appear to be lies. It's not perfect although it probably works a good percentage of the time. I don't disagree that if you are a person with a good, clear conscience, it should work fine in theory but some are afraid of the risk of the unknown, no matter how small.
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