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I worked at a house cleaning company recently and my co-worker and I were accused of stealing $800.00 in cash from a clients home. There is no proof at all-just accusation.
Upon voluntarily going to the police station I was shocked at the policemans position regarding my GUILT! He stated that he knew that I took the money and there was nothing I could say to make him question his opinion.
Now I have a spotless record and have never been in a police station before and have never been spoken to like that!! Anyway, I requested a polygraph.
This was a couple of months ago and I have since been let go from my job shortly thereafter (supposedly not because of the accusation) because I was working "too slowly".
The policeman called a couple weeks ago and said that my polygraph was to be on Aug.27. He originally stated I could take this test in a nearby town. Now it is to be in Lansing, MI which is over an hour away.
My question is I really don't want to do this anymore. I don't even work at this cleaning company anymore. Since I am now unemployed I do not have money for the outragous gas to get there!
Everyone tells me not to take the polygraph, that there is no point now. But I volunteered to take it. If I don't I think I will look guilty. If I don't it won't change anything because I did not take the money. I guess it's just the point that I want to shove my passing polygraph in that policeman as well as my previous employers face!:D
Please! Any advice out there???? Thank you in advance, pat
If Police are still asking for polygraph it appears as though they are building a criminal case against you. I suggest you find an Attorney and say nothing more to Police without your Attorney present this includes polygraph!
Some of it sounds like they were/are hoping to make you buckle and confess, hoping you are the guilty one. I'd say in reality the don't have a clue.

We have a safe at work where money is deposited, and the armored car picks it up to go to the bank. One day, a deposit was gone from the safe. At the time, both keys were kept by us in the location where the safe was, as there are only 5-6 people total working in that area. Now, the armored car compnay has one, and we have one. (It's one of those with the deposit drum in the top, so money can be dropped by anyone, but the keys required to open it.)

Anyway, the police questioned the guy who was on duty that day (he wasn't the one who took it - the guilty part was found later - the supervisor never actually dropped the money, but kept if for himself) Anyway, they questioned this guy, and even went so far as to tell him they had him on video.

I would tell them you are not taking any polygraph as you don't have the money to get there, and you aren't playing their games. If they do bring charges, then get a lawyer, but in the mean time don't get too worked up over it. Sounds like they don't really know who it was.
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