Poor me?

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New Member
I work for a state hospital and it was said to me when i started this counseling job by a co-worker..if you can work for the state...you can work anywhere and whatever they told you...They lied. She didn't go into any further details. Anyway...I worked as a chem. dependency counselor for a state hospital for the past 5 and a half months attempting to get my 2000 hrs completed so i could get my LADC lisense completed. Yesterday i was called into the bosses office and told that this arrangement wasn't working out, and i had the option of quiting or else they would take steps to fire me. i was to give an answer today. Today i met with my boss, and asked why this was happening...she said that it was reported by my co-workers that i was intimidating...and that I had poor working relationships with referrals/co-workers.
And that I had refused a referral without consultation with my supervisor, and had failed to attend a training provided by the state. She said i was unsupervisable...anyway...the only one of these charges that was true..was that as the head of a program I interviewed a client who we had kicked out of various programs for dealing drugs, continued negitive behaviors that endangered his peers/staff, etc...anyway as we had walked him to the door he had made comments of a threating nature that he lives close to me and that my daughter plays with one of his friends children. I didn't feel that he was approapriate for the continuing care program for many reasons but did give him a chance but he never showed up. Referral called and wanted to enroll him again a month later and i said no. No one told me i needed supervisers permission to deny him...referral was angry complained to my boss....threatned to take business away and i was fired a week later. Do i have any courses of action I can take? My union told me that they would try to help but that due to it being a training period, they can fire me just for not liking my car or the color of my car. He didn't seem to want to get involved.:no:
Your sole recourse is through the union. They can fire you for any reason or no reason as long as their reason doesn't violate the law, and this doesn't.
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