Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication poss of meth with intent

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New Member
I am being charged with poss cs<4gr-200gr (meth) with intent. I was advised to have my attorney file a motion of discovery. Apparently, evidence will be sent to a lab where all impurities will be taken out and hopefully bring it down to under 4 grams. Would you agree with this? Also what would my best and worst case likely be, on a first offense, no prior criminal history.
What state?

And whart do you mean they will take the impurities out?

- Carl
texas. im not really sure what was meant by that, i thought maybe someone could explain it to me. i think that they are including the weight of the bag containing the evidence. maybe without that it would bring my charges down to under 4 grams. I am just trying to educate myself as much as possible because i do not have much money for an attorney. Any advise?
Maybe the practice in your region is to weigh the product minus the "cut" ... not sure - this is not the case here.

I am not familiar with TX drug laws, but maybe someone else here might be.

I would strongly recommend you consult local counsel.

- Carl
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