Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication possesion of a controlled substance and paraphernalia - deferred judgment?

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New Member
I was recently charged with possesion of a controlled substance (marijuana) and paraphernalia. It is my first offence, ever. I was told by some friends that I should get a deferred judgment. I was just wondering how to go about doing that and what exactly it is. Also, if I don't get granted a deferred judgment will my charges affect my student loans?
A deferred judgment means you are convicted, but not sentenced. they will put you on probation and ask you attend treatment classes. In most cases completing the program will drop the charges, however if you mess up then you will likely be sentenced. This will not affect your student lone unless your out of school for longer than it says you can be in your contract (most of the time 6 months)
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