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Tonight I was stopped walking into my apartment with a backpack full of beer. The officers took me into the apartment office, made me blow, asked me a few questions, and then wrote me a ticket. My question is, I blew all 0's and every beer was accounted for in the box, but the ticket says minor possession/consumption, if I haven't had anything to drink, and I'm just carrying the beer in my backpack, how can they give me a tick for possession/comsumption?? Why is it not just possession?? Would it be worthwhile to hire an attorney, or would that just cost me more in the longrun?? And finally, the officer said if I paid the ticket (around $300), and pleaded guilty it would more than likely be reduced to a disorderly conduct and not sent to the states attorney/put on my record....is this correct and what is the likelyhood of that??
You should see a criminal attorney for a free first time consultation. The lawyer would let you know how the charge could affect you and would help plead to a lesser charge. Just paying the ticket and allowing such a charge might not look good for employment, university, and other aspect you might be ignoring now. Most lawyers' initial consultation is free and would tell you your options. I would definitely advice you try to change the charge (disorderly conduct sounds better) or fight what you don't agree. Plead not guilty and get a court appointed lawyer if you can't afford one to help you. I would rather have a lawyer tell me it would not appear on a background check, than a cop. It might be a simple infraction but I would be rather sure than sorry.
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