Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possession for sale.

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New Member
Sept. 2005 a friend was pulled over in Fresno County for speeding and had 1/4 pound Marijuana in the car. I was charged for CA penal code HS11360(a)Transportation and HS11359 Poss for sale. It was all in one bag and was for personal use.The highway patrol confiscated the Marijuana, but gave me all my cash back. I live in Southern California and drove up to Fresno Court House for my date to appear, when I showed up for my hearing the court clerk informed me that nothing had been filed by the DA . I contacted the DA office directly and they informed me that they had nothing for my name. The court clerk from the Fresno County Superior Court house Date Stamped my ticket showing I appeared on date stated.

Now Three years later I was pulled over for a missing head light, and had a $30,000.00 WARRANT out for my arrest. I was booked into jail 3 years later for something I thought was resolved.
In general, the state has three years to file for a felony and one year to file for a misdemeanor. Apparently they filed after you appeared in court. The matter was NOT "resolved" in 2005 ... you just did not have to answer for it then.

Consult local counsel as there may be other avenues to approach this delay in serving the warrant - particularly if your address has remained the same over all these years.

- Carl
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