Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possession of alcohol in NC

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I was at a NCSU football game over the weekend when I was ticketed for possession of a beer. It was a 12 o clock game and I had not been drinking at all. I was selling an extra ticker to a man of legal age and was holding his beer while the ALE officer came up from behind me. The man who was trying to buy the ticket cursed the officers and the officers told him if he didnt leave they would arrest him so he left. The officer said he didnt want to hear an excuse and wrote me a ticket. I am 19 years old, do I have a chance in court? If so, does anyone have any recomendations on what to do? thank you for your time
if you could get that guy to say it was his beer that may work but i dout he would say that, so i think the best thing to do is talk to the juge let hie/her no what happen. If you could get a few people to go with you that no's that you dont drink and willing to say it to the juge they may drop it. hope this helps
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