Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication "possession" of alcoholic beverages

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hello i'm 24 years old from the state of Maryland. I've purchased a certain amount of alcoholic beverages and i had assistance from the liquer store owner to transport it from the store to my car. Now from my car to my apartment i had noone to help me so i asked 2 friends of mine (both 18 years old) to carry the 2 boxes to my apartment while i'd carry the third one. A police officer stopped us and charged them with possesion and me with "Aiding or Abetting Misconduct". My question is whether it matters that the alcoholic beverages were in sealed boxes or not. At first the officer took our information, then told us nothing was going to happen to us and finally he told my other friends to help me carry the boxes the rest of the way to my apartment. 3 days later, i received a sitation about the incident. Do i have any chance at the court?
I'm confused -- are you stating the you had 3 cases of beer, you asked 2 minors to help carry them from your car to the apartment, and then an officer stopped all of you and charged them with possession and you with aiding and abetting a misconduct?

Honestly, something doesn't make sense or I'm not sure I'm hearing the whole story. If you were near your apartment, why would the officer think that the beer was the property of the minors? Did you, by any chance, purchase the beer for them?

my car was abour 100 meters away from my apartment. My friends were walking by and i asked them to help me carry the cases to my apartment. The officer saw tehm carrying cases of beer and he stoped us. The beer was for a party the next day at my place.
If that is the case then the possession charge does not make much sense, nor your aiding and abetting a misconduct. Do you have a receipt for the alcohol? Where do these friends live? It would seem to me that the case is extremely suspect if it occurred exactly as you stated, but it still seems like I'm missing something.
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