Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possession of marijuana and paraphernalia

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New Member
I was wondering if you could help me determine the expected sentence for a misdemeanor possession of marijuana and paraphernalia charge in North Carolina. This will be my second charge -- the first one was in Virginia (where I live) nine years ago (I was 19), and the record was expunged. I checked out the NORML site for North Carolina laws, and it looks like the sentence for the possession of marijuana is suspended jail time; however, the paraphernalia charge looks more severe for some reason. How could the paraphernalia charge affect my sentence? I am also confused about whether this will be considered my first or second charge, since the first was in Virginia and was expunged. I am also concerned about the Virginia policy to suspend all drivers' licenses and require SR-22 insurance for drug charges, and whether that policy applies here, since I am a Virginia resident, but the charge was in North Carolina. (I heard that North Carolina and Virginia share records or something.)

Confused and nervous... :eek:
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