Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Possible accomplice to two shop lifters


New Member
I was at a store with two friends. I had previously suffered as cut so I was waiting on an employee to get me a band aid. When I got it I got back up with my friends and we were on our way. I was suspicious of them taking items, but it was to late because on our way out we were stopped by an LP. They took them to the security office and then turned me loose. But I hung around because my friends had my phone with them so I had no way of leaving. I waited for roughly an hour panicking and praying for myself and my friends. They later both came out with court dates and hand cuffed. And were taken home by their parents. I was handed my phone and a very rude officer told me to give him my info. I said I was unaware of them taking items. Apparently I was turned loose because they had no evidence I was shop lifting. But the cop got my address and phone number. I have lost all contact with my friends and they are most likely grounded. The parents want all of us to meet up and put the story together, but I know if I show up I could be roped in as if I was as big a part in this is they are. They have no evidence I shop lifted, but they have my info. This all happened in Colorado by the way. I did research and know all penalties for shop lifters at the juvenile level, but I couldn't find anything where people were in my particular situation.
As you describe the situation it seems unlikely there is evidence to pull you in as an accomplice.
The absolute worst thing you can do is continue to talk about it and try to explain yourself.
Your parents are the only ones who need to hear from you. Other than them, stop talking. Ignore anything the other two have to say about it, even if they try to implicate you.
As you describe the situation it seems unlikely there is evidence to pull you in as an accomplice.
The absolute worst thing you can do is continue to talk about it and try to explain yourself.
Your parents are the only ones who need to hear from you. Other than them, stop talking. Ignore anything the other two have to say about it, even if they try to implicate you.
So if I choose not to talk to them there is no legal action that can be taken? One of their moms is very poor and know to be a bit sue happy.
So if I choose not to talk to them there is no legal action that can be taken? One of their moms is very poor and know to be a bit sue happy.

If things are as you say, you have little to worry about.
If you continue to associate with the THIEVES, you'll set yourself up for TROUBLE.

As suggested, barking dogs aren't liked by most people.

You have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to avoid anyone, say nothing, and not answer questions.

How does it serve you to meet with the THIEVES?

How does it keep you from being blamed by continuing to affiliate yourself with the THIEVES?

Maslow theorized and postulated that all organisms see their survival as first and foremost.

This ain't a theory, mate.

This is your FREEDOM at stake.

Only play with FIRE if you desire to be burned, or want to make "S'MORES".
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. You have NOTHING to gin by talking to them but your friends do. It sin your best interest to NOT have this conversation. You have done no wrong so remove your self from this
So if I choose not to talk to them there is no legal action that can be taken? One of their moms is very poor and know to be a bit sue happy.

Stop talking to those losers. Ignore their parents. If their parents threaten you tell your parents who can go take care of it.

I wouldn't have even given the cop any information either. I would have also walked to another store and asked to use their phone to call my parents to come get me and explain what happened and get the phone later or chalk it up.

What's his mom going to sue you for? She can sue for anything it doesn't mean she will win. Just stay away from those people.

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