Possible Country Ban - India

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
Given the spam to valid post ratio, I've decided that I may experiment with banning the country of India entirely. No offense to the good people who live there but the amount of hired spammers coming here to bombard the board using all sorts of "tricks" is becoming a challenge to manage. If this does happen, for those people in India they will need to use a proxy server to obtain access to the site.
user millet - another one from India. It has become so pervasive for these marketing firms to hire Indians to create massive spam attacks for backlinks on legitimate sites. They pretend to take part of conversations in the hope of sneaking in dozens of unknown links, all of which I can eventually track and it just makes for a waste of my time but they are getting paid.

There unfortunately will come a time where they will try to use other methods to mask their IP addresses but, for now, I may need to ban the country. We've already had to do so for Senegal on another site that I'm running (not legal related.)
Banning the entire country of India? No lamb curry.
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